
Wordlist Generator

Chars: 0Words: 0Lines: 0Sentences: 0


What is a wordlist generator?

A wordlist generator is a tool that takes a text as input and outputs a list of words found in the text. It can also count the number of times each word appears in the text.

Wordlist generators are useful for analyzing text, creating word clouds, and identifying the most common words in a text. They can be used for a variety of purposes, including quick text ingestion, text analysis, and text manipulation.

What each option means

Each option has a different purpose and can be used to customize the output of the wordlist generator. Here are all the options explained:

  • Minimal word length - Set the minimum length of words to include in the wordlist. All words shorter than this length will be excluded. This can be useful if you want to exclude short words that are not stop words, or short non-standard words.
  • Top - Limit the number of words to include in the wordlist. Only the top N words will be included. Normally this is not needed, but it can be useful if you only want to see the most common words.
  • Minimal frequency - Set the minimum frequency of words to include in the wordlist. Only words that appear more than this number of times will be included.
  • Normalize to - Set the number to normalize the word frequencies against. This number is used to calculate the relative frequency of each word. For example, if you set this number to 1000, the table will show how many times this word appears per 1000 words.
  • Ignore case - Ignore case differences in words. For example, A and a will be treated as the same word. This is the most common option to enable, as it ensures that words like hello and Hello are treated as the same word.
  • Ignore stopwords - Exclude common stopwords from the wordlist. Stopwords are common words like the, and, and is that are often excluded from text analysis. Many times you might not be interested in these words, so you can exclude them from the wordlist.
  • Count stopwords in total - Include stopwords in the total word count. If this option is enabled, stopwords will be included in the total word count, but not in the wordlist. The percentages and normalization will be calculated based on the total word count, including stopwords.
  • Count minimal in total - Include words that are shorter than the minimal word length in the total word count. If this option is enabled, words that are shorter than the minimal word length will be included in the total word count, but not in the wordlist. The percentages and normalization will be calculated based on the total word count, including these words.
  • Normalize diacritics - Normalize diacritics in words. For example, café and cafe will be treated as the same word. In the wordlist output, the diacritics will be removed, so our example would show cafe as the word.
  • Include numbers - Include numbers in the wordlist. If this option is enabled, numbers will be treated as words and included in the wordlist. For example if the text contains a word like cloud9, it will be treated as a single word and included in the wordlist as cloud9, whereas if the option is disabled, it would be counted as only cloud.
  • Include non-words - Include non-words in the wordlist. If this option is enabled, non-words will be treated as words and included in the wordlist. Non-words are sequences of characters that are not recognized as words, such as URLs, email addresses, and special characters. Even punctuation would be counted and end? would show up in the wordlist as end? instead of end.
  • Include non-ASCII - Include non-ASCII characters in the wordlist. If this option is enabled, non-ASCII characters will be treated as words and included in the wordlist. Non-ASCII characters are characters that are not part of the ASCII character set, such as emojis and special symbols. For example, if the text contains an emoji like 😊, it will be treated as a word and included in the wordlist.


We are Lime Convert

Lime Convert was created after we found ourselves wanting something more out of the free conversion tools that we were using online. The tools were either too simple or too cluttered and convoluted. We wanted something that was highly functional and simple on the surface, yet customizable and powerful underneath. We wanted a tool that was extremely easy to use but still had all the features we needed and more.

Less Is More Expanded. Lime Convert is designed around these principles. We hope you ❤️ it.