
URL Parser

Input URL

URL parsed successfully

URL Components

Search Parameters

Introduction to URL Parser

Enter a URL in the input box below to see its various components. Click on the links next to the each part to navigate to that specific segment or to navigate to the URL up to that point.

Example URL:s

Click on one of the example URL:s below to load it into the URL parser.

https://username:[email protected]/url-parser?key1=value&key2=value2#deep-link

Mastering this Tool

This tool is designed to help you understand the different parts of a URL. You can use it to explore the structure of a URL and learn about the various components that make up a web address. Here are some tips to help you get the most out of this tool:

  • Enter a URL in the input box to see its components.
  • Click on the copy button to copy each part of the URL to the clipboard.
  • Click on the external link button next to the hostname, port or pathname to open up the url composed up to that point in a new tab.
  • Click on the info link next to the port to find that specific port in a list of common ports. Click on the info link next to the protocol to learn more about that specific protocol.
  • Click on the download csv button to download either the URL components or the search parameters as a .csv text file.
  • Click on the copy csv button to copy all the parts of the URL or the search parameters as comma separated text.
  • Explore the different parts of the URL and learn how they work together.
  • Experiment with different URLs to see how the components change.
  • Use the tool to better understand how URLs are structured and how they can be used in web development.

What is the difference between a URL and a URI?

A URL (Uniform Resource Locator) is a subset of URI (Uniform Resource Identifier). A URL is a specific type of URI that includes the network location of a resource, while a URI is a generic identifier for any type of resource.

When were speaking about webaddresses, we are usually referring to them as a URL if they contain the complete address to the resource, including the protocol, hostname, and path. If the address is incomplete or does not include the network location, it is correctly referred to as a URI.

Example URL


Example URI


What is a Protocol in a URL?

The protocol in a URL indicates the communication method used to access the resource. Common protocols include HTTP, HTTPS, FTP, and file.

The protocol is followed by a colon and two forward slashes. For example, in the URL https://example.com , the protocol is https .

How do the Username and Password work in a URL?

The username and password in a URL are used to authenticate the user when accessing a resource that requires login credentials. It allows you to login without a separate login form. The username and password are optional and are not required for most websites.

Username and password are separated from the hostname by a colon and an @ symbol. For example, in the URL https://adam:[email protected] , the username is adam and the password is 1234 .

What is the Hostname in a URL?

The hostname in a URL is the domain name or IP address of the server hosting the resource. It is used to locate the server on the internet. A DNS lookup is performed to resolve the hostname to an IP address.

For example in the URL https://example.com , the hostname is example.com and it resolves through DNS to the IP address

What is the Path in a URL?

The path in a URL specifies the location of a resource on the server's file system. It is used to identify the specific file or directory being accessed. Paths are separated by forward slashes / . For example, in the URL https://example.com/path/to/resource , the full path is /path/to/resource .

What are Parameters in a URL?

Parameters in a URL are key-value pairs that provide additional information to the server when accessing a resource. They are often used in query strings. Parameters are used for filtering, sorting, and other operations on the resource. For example, in the URL https://example.com?color=red&size=large , the parameters are the key value pairs color=red and size=large and tell the server to filter by red color and large size.

What is the Fragment (Hash) in a URL?

The fragment in a URL is an identifier that points to a specific section within a resource. It is often used to link to a specific part of a web page. One common type of fragment is the deep link, which is used to navigate to a specific section of a page. For example, in the URL https://example.com#section-2 , the fragment is section-2 and points to the section with the ID section-2 on the page.

Some other types of fragments include:

  • PDF: https://example.com/document.pdf#page=5 . In this example of a link to a .pdf document, the fragment page=5 points to page 5 of the PDF document. You can also use zoom=200 to set the zoom level and search=keyword to search for a specific keyword.
  • TXT: https://example.com/document.txt#line=10 . In this example of a link to a .txt document, the fragment line=10 points to line 10 of the text document.
  • XML: https://example.com/data.xml#element-id . In this example of a link to a .xml document, the fragment element-id points to a specific XML element.
  • RDF: http://www.w3.org/2024/02/skos/core#sights . In this example of a link to a RDF vocabulary, the fragment sights points to the sights concept in the vocabulary.
  • CSV: https://example.com/data.csv#row=5-8 . In this example of a link to a .csv document, the fragment row=5-8 points to rows 5 throught 8 of the CSV data. You can also use column=3 to point to a specific column or cell=5,1-8,5 to point to a specific cell or range of cells.
  • MP4: https://example.com/video.mp4#t=30 . In this example of a link to a .mp4 video, the fragment t=30 points to the 30 second mark in the video. This works for all audio and video files in the same way. You can use the format #01h25m30s to point to 1 hour, 25 minutes, and 30 seconds. You can also use xywh=100,120,320,260 to point to a specific region of the video.
  • JSON: https://example.com/data.json#/keyName . In this example of a link to a .json document, the fragment /keyName is used to extract the value of the key keyName from the JSON data.
  • SVG: https://example.com/image.svg#svg#svgView(viewBox(0,200,1000,1000)) . In this example of a link to a .svg image, the fragment #svgView(viewBox(0,200,1000,1000)) is used to set the viewbox of the SVG image. Read more on the full SVG fragment linking specification here.


We are Lime Convert

Lime Convert was created after we found ourselves wanting something more out of the free conversion tools that we were using online. The tools were either too simple or too cluttered and convoluted. We wanted something that was highly functional and simple on the surface, yet customizable and powerful underneath. We wanted a tool that was extremely easy to use but still had all the features we needed and more.

Less Is More Expanded. Lime Convert is designed around these principles. We hope you ❤️ it.